
Our Programmes in Global Science Development Initiatives

The following are some of our programmes in Global Science Development Initiatives:

1.  Inculcating the Tenets of Great Scientists: Following the defective background and low performances of students in sciences, our flagship programme and seminar – Inculcating the Tenets of Great Scientists, becomes apposite. This seminar aims at etching in the minds of students, attributes and principle that will enable them do well in science – attributes that are real, timeless and definitive and have worked for so many great scientists. The seminar also seeks to enhance the performance and productivity of students in science and at the same time, make them great, as scientists in future or in whatever pursuit they may choose. It is a preparatory work aimed at developing critical, informed, open and prepared minds which will in turn deliver tomorrow’s innovations and discoveries. The seminar has also received tremendous commendations and positive reviews, and has been presented in over 50 senior secondary schools in Nigeria. In fact, the seminar attracted great attention here in FCT Abuja, where over 25 government secondary schools benefited from it. This we did in collaboration with the Science and Tech. Unit, FCT Secondary Education Board (SEB).

2.  Foundations for Future Great Scientists: This is another seminar with a similar objective as that of Inculcating the Tenets of Great Scientists. It is basically to stimulate the interest of science in students, as there is a great decrease in the number of young people pursuing careers in science. This seminar was presented in 2010 in two junior secondary schools in the FCT Universal Basic Education Board. We shall soon be re-introducing the programme in the junior secondary schools here in FCT Abuja.

3.  Abuja Science, Technology and Innovation Promotion Confab for Young and Aspiring Scientists – This is an annual event that holds here in the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja (Nigeria). It gathers not less than 500 aspiring scientists from senior secondary schools in Abuja. This confab provides the missing link in science education as it supplies the much-needed inspiration – the kind that has given many young scientists visions that have driven them through life. It also creates a platform for young people to interact with world-renowned scientists in Nigeria, thereby knowing what inspires them,  how they earned their recognitions, the kind of science they are doing (or did), and how they are doing it. It is indeed an opportunity for young people to learn from the ‘masters of science’ themselves and at the same time, know the fears and challenges which these great men had and how they surmounted them while growing up as scientists.

4. The Budding Scientist – Grooming Successors in Science, Mathematics and Engineering: This is a quarterly publication with the sole aim of mentoring young people in their various disciplines in science. It draws views from world-best scientists on how success can be achieved in every field of science. This publication is being published by our organisation in collaboration with the Department of Technology and Science Education in the Federal Ministry of Education, Abuja (Nigeria).

5.  Science Nigeria Lectures: An annual public lecture that holds in top universities in Nigeria and is not only geared towards promoting the works and contributions of Nigerian scientist, but also instill the culture of science in the minds of the public. The lecture also discusses topical issues in the frontiers of science and at the same time, chart the way forward. More also, only world-renowned scientists in Nigerian with a minimum of 50 years of outstanding research experiences give this lecture.

6.  Publishing of Science Education and Popularization Books – such as the landmark book – Great Nigerian Scientists. This book hopes to inform not only the Nigerian public, but the world at large, that there are Nigerians who have made outstanding inputs in science – inputs that march those of their peers in any corner of the globe.

7.  Other programmes are also being anticipated – such as training workshops for science teachers and information officers. In fact, more programmes are already on our list for this year 2017.

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